it was the boer war that set the pace for the worldwide process of decolonization in the 20th century. 20読み方
- it was the boer war that set the pace for the worldwide process of decolonization in the 20th century. 20の英語:世紀における世界的な脱植民地化の流れの先導となったのはボーア戦争だった.
- it was the boer war that set the pace for the worldwide process of decolonization in the 20th century. 20の意味:世紀における世界的な脱植民地化の流れの先導となったのはボーア戦争だった.
- "it was the authorities who were creating these confrontations"読み方
- "it was the beginning of october. 10"読み方
- "it was the beginning of the end of his prosperity"読み方